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History of the Lottery


Throughout history, lotteries have been used for many purposes. They have been used for financing college campuses, libraries, and public roads. They have also been used to raise funds for the poor.

In many cases, the lottery is run by the state or city government. In other cases, the lottery is organized as a national event. In either case, the lottery process involves randomly selecting numbers. In some cases, there is also a process of publicizing the names of those who have won. In other cases, a percentage of the money raised is donated to a good cause.

In the United States, lotteries were first organized by the British colonists. The Continental Congress used lotteries to raise money for the Colonial Army. In 1758, the Commonwealth of Massachusetts held a lottery for an expedition against Canada.

Lotteries were also used by the Roman emperors, who gave away slaves and property to the winners. They were also used in France, where the Loterie Royale was authorized by a decree of Chateaurenard.

In the Netherlands, lotteries were common in the 17th century. The town of Ghent has records dating back to the 16th century. These records mention a lottery of 4304 tickets.

The earliest known European lottery was held in the Low Countries in the 15th century. In the 17th century, several colonies held lotteries during the French and Indian Wars. These lotteries were mainly held at dinner parties.

Lotteries were also used to raise money for libraries and town fortifications. Many people believed that lotteries were a form of hidden tax.